The Prayer That Heals
“I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you.” The Ho’oponopono Prayer, four simple phrases changed what was a turbulent, toxic, self destructive divorce situation into cohesive co-parenting, peace, and friendship post divorce.

The Power of Being Vulnerable
What do you think of when you think of being powerful? Being Strong? Stubborn? Aggressive? Arrogant?
If these words come to mind, you are in line with cultural assumptions. What may not have jumped to mind is “vulnerability.”
But I’m here to argue vulnerability is a greater source of power than any of those other qualities in human interactions.

It’s Always About You
You are worthy of something better than what your ego has been trying to sell you. (Third in a Series)

Devotional Relating (and the Obstacles to Devotion)
What is it that's stopping you from devoting freely to your love partner(s)?

The Inescapable Calculus of Intimate Relationships
Using relationships to grow in personal freedom. (First in a Series)