John Hoelle
Founding partner Attorney/Mediator
While many people have expressed surprise that I do this work every day, I am honored to serve people going through one of the most difficult transitions in life.
As a father, I’m driven to help parents create a stable home life for children, under any circumstance. Although I don’t come from a family of divorce, I am myself in a second marriage, and I have witnessed in those close to me how wounds can last a lifetime when a child experiences traumatizing divorce.
I began my career as a documentary film editor, where I learned the power of persuasive storytelling and honed my skills at transforming moving pictures into meaningful narrative. When later called to put my analytical strengths to use as a legal practitioner, I found it natural to use life’s raw material to persuade a different audience (judges) with clear and compelling arguments.
My role as a Conscious Family mediator finally brought together for me a thrilling mix of challenges: the intellectual contest of law practice, the creative puzzle of developing workable family arrangements, and the intuitive work of facilitating dialogue and healing rifts.
I am trained in the the Collaborative Law model, and have practiced exclusively in the area of family law in Colorado since joining the bar: first as a judicial clerk for several judges at the Boulder District Court, then as an associate for an attorney-mediator and former judge. I am an alumnus of the University of Colorado Law School (Law Review); the National Institute of Trial Advocacy; the Colorado Bar Association 40-hour mediation training and Advanced Mediation Training; and the Colorado Collaborative Divorce Professionals Level I Collaborative Law training. I volunteer regularly for the Boulder County "Ask-an-Attorney" program, the Denver Bar Association’s Metro Volunteer Lawyers clinic, and the Boulder County Legal Services pro se divorce clinic.
In order to bring effective family law mediation service to a wider demographic, I mentor and supervise non-lawyer mediators through my law firm.
For over a decade I have participated in numerous healing processes and facilitated the negotiation and resolution of conflicts in my intentional living co-housing community, and am available to mediate difficult conversations between community members or that leadership may be facing in other communities.
To stay centered, I pursue a personal practice of vedic meditation and yoga, and perform professionally as a musician.
BLOG POSTS and Interviews
Spotlight interview for Divorce Lending Association
Make Peace before Making Change
Devotional Relating (and the Obstacles to Devotion)
“Divorce at Altitude” podcast interview (on the future of family law)
"Synergistic Stepparenting" podcast interview (on poly families)
"Whole Lotta Love" podcast interview (on John’s marriage)
Why Create a Parenting Contract?
Legal Considerations of Having Children Outside of Marriage
Money Isn’t the Trump Card in Your Relationship
Why You Need a Conscious Lawyer
What Do You Need To Know About Coming Changes to Taxation of Alimony/Maintenance?
Do The Dishes and Stay Un-Divorced
What Happens With a Business in a Divorce?
Divorce May Hurt Your Business More Than You Realize: How to Divorce-Proof Your Business
Relationships as a Spiritual Practice: Part 1
Relationships as a Spiritual Practice: Part 2