We want to support you and your family in healing and moving into a new and better life after your divorce. We offer the following information as trusted resources that can support you on your journey. If you need a divorce mediator in Denver, please let us know.


Support Groups

Relationship Counseling

Personal Therapists

Personal Coaching

Play Therapists

Research supports that children are most resilient to major life transitions when supported with protective factors.

Post-Divorce Facilitation

We are always here if you need a fresh perspective or assistance working through any disagreements that arise with co-parenting or other issues. Some parents also benefit from these communication and

Co-parent Coach/Counseling


Other Resources

  • Colorado Legal Services

    Free legal services (including divorce clinics) for unrepresented, income-qualifying parties.


Music for Divorce

Lastly, because music has the power to heal, we offer this specially curated playlist mixing upbeat, inspiring, reflective, humorous, and indulgent melancholy. Let us know if you have a track that's helped you!

Music4divorce on Spotify